
Hvanná - Afforestation

Project description

ID: FCC055


A combination of about 100,000 spruce, pine and cotton wood were planted in Hvanná in Jökuldalur during the summer of 2022. The vegetation of the area was characterised by sparse loam, so pine was the primary plant of choice as it is well suited to that type of land. Poplar and spruce were then planted in fields and other more fertile areas. Due to the sparseness of the area, it will be particularly interesting to observe the development of the soil over time, both in terms of biodiversity and carbon reserves.


Estimated carbon sequestration
Forest Carbon Code
Certification body

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Í tengslum við hvert vottað loftslagsverkefni, skal vera farvegur fyrir ábendingar og fyrirspurnir frá hagsmunaaðilum og almenningi allan verkefnatímann.

Video of the area - Hvanná

Aerial photos from Hvanná

A video of Hvanná recorded for us by Svarmi

Contribution to the United Nations' Global Goals

Life on Land

Life on Land

Aðgerðir í loftslagsmálum

Aðgerðir í loftslagsmálum

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Pending certified carbon credits

These are carbon credits issued for the estimated amount of carbon sequestration over the lifetime of a project in whole or in part. Pending carbon credits become active carbon credits once the necessary measurements and certification procedures have been carried out. As it is verified, the carbon credit offsets emissions. Pending carbon credits cannot offset emissions.

Active certified carbon credit

A real, measurable, permanent, verified and unique transferable item recorded in a central register corresponding to one tonne of CO2. The credit is verified and thus offsets the carbon emissions of organisations and companies.